Monday, March 10, 2008

Saturday Night Super Fun Super Market

Think you don't need your homespun skills anymore because the big city offers you all the excitement you need? Think again, mes amis. (That's city talk for y'all).

A 24 hour downpour and too much fun on Friday night let to a rainy, cold, bored Saturday night for myself and 4 others. We figured we should eat something, but no one could come up with a cohesive plan. Husband Chuckie, always good at making games out of anything (witness the "Throw an acorn in a bucket" game that lasted 3 hours at Christmas time), came up with this: Each of the 5 participants has 5 minutes in the supermarket to pick one ingredient that they like. That's it- no other rules. Here's what we ended up with:

Catfish nuggets
Cream of Mushroom soup
cheese fondue

Cheese fondue seemed like overkill, so we nixed it in favor of potatoes. Here's what we ended up eating:

Beer-battered Catfish
mashed potatoes with bacon and sour cream
creamed spinach
corn bread

This was, to everyone's surprise, and without a doubt, one of the best meals ever made at my house. The kicker was the cornbread, which was made with two packs of Jiffy brand corn mix (5o cents each!) cooked in the skillet that had already cooked the bacon. If you've never tried this, you should. I can't convey in words how good it is.

The morals of the story:
1. City life isn't always exciting-sometimes you have to make your own fun.
2. A fantastic meal can cost under $3 a serving.
3. Who knew that catfish could be so exciting?

All brought to you by serendipity.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Now I know you guys have too much time on your hands!But, that said, I have always been a fan of Jiffy Corn bread - I do had a bit of sugr to the mix.