I've nailed down the issue of Gourmet I was talking about a couple posts ago. It's the January 2006 edition, and it chronicles Gourmet from 1941-2006. My original plan was to hit one recipe a week, but once I did the math I figured out that it would take me 5 years. Hmmm....the project doesn't seem so fun when it will take longer than your recently acquired Masters Degree to complete. However, having stated publicly (to all 5 of you) that I'm going to do it, I at least have to get started. I went to the store today to get ingredients for 1941's winner, Nasi Goreng, an Indonesian rice/chicken/shrimp stir fry. (If you've been to Holland, you may have had this as "rijsttafel"). One of the benefits of the Urban living is that you have easy access to stores that carry not only the ketjap manis, or sweet chili sauce, the recipe called for, you get to choose from 42 brands. The local Asian superstore overwhelmed me, but I think I picked a good one. I have to be honest, I'm not too optimistic about the best of 1941 judging from my quick scan through the recipe, but then again, it was a war year, so you take what you can get, right? I'm sure this was the height of cosmopolitan cooking at the time.
The rice needs to be cooked and cooled, so I'll be making this fine dish tomorrow. Stay tuned....
sweet chili sauce is the biz-omb. although, sriracha really IS the ultimate condiment. cannot get enough.
how did it turn out?
I wonder if this recipe came about through a combination of "hey, there's fighting in this country far away, I wonder what they're eating" and "rice is cheap, let's make that interesting!"
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