Thursday, March 29, 2007

Art of the Bag

...lunch, that is. In an attempt to eat healther and stop dropping $10 on stuff that's often not worth it, I've been in search of the perfect combinations...something that will hold up without extreme refrigeration, fit in my laptop bag, and not be all that much work to prepare.

I've been emulating one of my favorite items on the Starbucks 'menu': a few pieces of cheese, apple wedges, grapes, and some toasted nuts (Note: this is monkey-easy. Put a nonstick pan on the stove, turn the heat to medium low, and warm up those nuts, shaking occasionally, for a few minutes. No need to oil the pan since they have plenty of oils all by their nut-ness.) Another winner seems to be a variety of fruit, vegetable and leftovers wrapped in rice paper, Thai/Vietnamese style. And, today I brought some celery sticks and the now famous "I'm Telling You, I'm Not Chicken" drumettes with a little dressing. But I get so bored. Don't know how I managed to eat the same lunch for 8 years in grade school (peanut butter and fluff, may explain why I am shorter than everyone else in the family.)

Any current favorites out there? What rocks your lunchbox? Do you have a really cool lunchbox that motivates you to pack your own?

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