Tuesday, February 12, 2008

MYO, part deux

I mentioned before that "MYO" was our mother's shorthand for "Make it yourself", or more often than not, code for "I'm sick of cooking for you kids". To continue our semi-regular MYO feature, I present to you: Croutons.

A family friend refers to these as "dead bread", and although he uses it as a derogative, it's pretty accurate. Easy, a good way to use up something you would normally throw away, and so easy a monkey could do it.

Take those hunks of bread you never ate, throw them in a bag, and when you have enough and feel like having soup or a salad, toss them with some melted butter or oil, depending on your taste. Mix in any spices you like (blends like Italian are good- might want to stay away from the sweet ones, like cinnamon), spread on a baking sheet and toast at 300 for about 30 min., or until they look like croutons. Store them in that same bag and applaud your Depression era/Green/use it up thriftiness. Go make some soup out of a ham bone and enjoy.

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