The other half of Homespun Urban is currently changing diapers and debating the pros and cons of some type of nipple (don't ask), so I will help out by giving you readers the scoop on her annual Oscar Party.
Sometimes she throws the party herself, but usually goes to a friend's house. One option she's had in the past is to dress as a character from that year's batch (my Frieda Kahlo costume horrified me enough to become very, VERY vigilant about plucking my brows). The highlight of either her or her friend's party is the food competition. Much like the Super Bowl party, prizes are given for the best movie inspired food. If you'd like to see pictures of last year's winners, scroll down to the Feb. 27th, 2007 post for "Notes on a Sandal" and "...and I am telling you I'm not Chicken".
This year's contender was "Asconement"- a plate of scones with a note saying 'I'm Sorry'. I had suggested a roasted chicken platter entitled "No Country for Old Hens", but there wasn't enough time.
Hopefully Kate will post some pictures of the winner when she's done washing the burp off her shirt.
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