Back from the fabulous Homespun vacation in...(in case you didn't guess) Hawaii. So sad to be back. But let's reflect on what we learned:
1. It takes a good 5 days for a fast paced urban gal to be able to sit still all afternoon and read a book. But once she does, woo boy...
2. Food really is seasonal and local for a reason. There's no way I wanted pot roast or lasagna while sitting under palm trees in 80 degree weather. The most perfect meals consisted of fish, vegetables, and maybe pineapple for dessert.
3. You can go on vacation and not get fat when you go to places that make you crave fish, vegetables, and maybe pineapple for dessert.
I am glad it took Hawaii to help a Type A Gal to learn to relax for a whole day!!!Yipee!
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