Try to restrain yourself from hightailing it to Whole Paycheck in search of this one, especially if your name is Emily: the prettily packaged and terrifically tasty Vosges chocolate line (I did a taste test of prime chocolates for a magazine and two of their flavors topped the list) has now been enhanced with one of nature's most perfect foods:
If you grew up in Maple Syrup land like we did, you know how perfect a sweet touch goes with a nice, salty piece o'pork (or turkey or faux meat if you are on the wagon.) I'm guessing this will rock many a world - and that it tastes a lot better than chocolate potato chips.
My name is Emily and I love bacon!
um. vosges is one of those treasures that's TOTALLY worth an entire paycheck. i went to their shop in vegas, and it was so fab. i just wanted to scarf it all up. they have a chocolate drink bar, too. naughty.
Every single flavor is good, so I can't wait to try this one!
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